Thank You & Farewell
Tēnā koutou katoaNgā mihi mahana o te wāIt is with regret I advise you Trustees have accepted the immediate resignation of George Rogers due to health reasons and on the advice of his doctor and his wife, from the Whakatāne Touch Association Charitable Trust. I’m sure you will all join me in thanking George for the significant contribution he made to Whakatāne Touch over the last 40 years. George held a number of roles in Touch be that locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. George has been the consistent presence of the January Tournament since its inception. His leadership and commitment will always be remembered. Those of you who know George well will appreciate his organisational skills and great sense of humour – he’s a bit cheeky our George.We have asked George to be the Patron of the Tournament, which he has graciously accepted, this means you will still get to see George albeit in a different role. We want him to continue to be a part of the Tournament but to enjoy it versus the responsibility of coordination and hosting.We will be in regular communication through email and social media on the detailed arrangements for January Tournament 2022. We intend to improve access and transparency to all relevant information so everyone knows the exact state of the Tournament.Mauri Ora,Whakatāne Touch Tournament Committee2,170People reached477Engagements+2,215.0x higherDistribution scoreBoost post707013 comments4 sharesLikeCommentShare